Siberian Squirrels
Tree frogs

Siberische Grondeekhoorn

The Netherlands is a nice country!


It is teeming with life in nature, you just have to know how to find it all.

Bald eagles in the polders, buzzards can be seen just about everywhere and wherever you go, there is always something fun to be had!

Today we went to Tilburg with Mieke and Wally, hunting for the tree frog and the Siberian ground squirrel. I asked Mieke because last time we couldn’t find them.

So this time it did!

At the frogs it was even crowded but you suddenly see them sitting everywhere and then there is enough for dozens of photographers. Very wet though, so a pair of boots or waterproof shoes is handy!

At the ground squirrels it was also quite crowded and unfortunately many photos a bit ruined because the critters are fed continuously.

But I am happy with what I have now and we will go back again!

Wondering what we will do next time? So do we 🙂

To find out where we can go, the search begins on Observation. After that, it’s a matter of scouring the Internet for the right location. Good luck!


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