Photo booth in Twente


Over the past few months, I have been infected with birding bug by Mieke.
Since there is no vaccine or pill for this, we’re going to completely sweat it out!

After my (thankfully minor) surgeries this year, I’m not allowed to dive for a while yet so I set out for the bird huts. Via Odijk, Purmerend and Rijssen, it was now the turn of Han Bouwmeester‘s hut.
These cabins are known for plenty of life and beautiful settings.

The funny thing was I talked to my niece Desiree about these cabins and she knows Han through their photography club.
Just some summing up and so Desiree joined us cozily.

After driving at 5, we were installed in the cabin by 7:30.
In itself nice cabin, unfortunately the seats are a bit low so Mieke was not really comfortable.
Very nice though, the ground plates for the camera standing on a rail system. What a convenience that is!

Because of the lesser weather, there was a dirty (dust) film over the pond. There is no pump to keep the water moving so the dusty water held back certain photos because there was no reflection.

The setting of this cabin is neat and with sunlight very nice for high-speed shooting.
However, you can notice that this cabin is less booked so certain birds and squirrels are not regular guests here.

Nevertheless, a pile of beautiful photos and just as importantly, had a super fun day with Mieke and Desiree. This tastes like more again so the next cabin is already booked!


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