The Early Bird Hut,

Liesbeth Vroege – van Leeuwen

Ijsvogel Odijk

Addiction must be turned for the better say psychologists!

Thus done, and now been to a birding lodge for the 3rd time.
This time the Early Bird Hut in Odijk.

A nice cabin, well equipped with handy tripods and a nice little pond.
There is also plenty of food available and with that you can decide where you want to see the most birds.

Reasonable weather with watery sunshine was forecast for Sunday.
But yes, with our luck….
It did dry out smoothly but the sun did not show itself.

So taking pictures in high iso and yet a little faster shutter speed.

Since the critters get nice and close, that’s fine too, and afterwards there’s plenty to correct with the AI functions in Photoshop. See the photos at the bottom.

I was sitting there with Mieke, my regular bird hide buddy! Always fun and between pictures we do chat a bit.

The only disadvantage of this day was the carnival society that pulled out all the stops at a distance of 300 meters, which meant that in terms of birds it was quite quiet. After walking a polonaise through the hut, the music also stopped and the birds returned.

The kingfisher came by 2x early in the morning, then it was gone.
Also saw a beautiful gray sparrowhawk but it stayed nicely behind the bushes and so is unfortunately not in my picture.

After a wonderful day, we drove towards Purmerend where we met our counterparts who had done a day in Amsterdam together.

The next 2x are already booked, a nice addiction!


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