Besides my favorite of macro, we also have wide angle, of course.
Wide angle: any photo with a lens smaller than 35mm is considered wide angle by the experts. Since I shoot with an Olympus OMD with a crop factor of 2, there are some dings to consider. So if you then use a 12mm wide-angle lens, your reality is actually 24mm. And with the 8mm fisheye, that gives you 16mm.
It is also the case that distortion of reality can occur, something that is then amplified with the fisheye 8mm so you can get “warped” images.
Fortunately, the camera (and Photoshop) knows how to deal with this and the images are corrected quite a bit.
Over the past 2 years, I have learned and tried a lot. But still there is much to learn. In fact, the most important thing is to forget my knowledge of the past correctly because underwater things work quite differently. Also, in the Netherlands you often find yourself with dusty water, green water or dark water.
You would think that powerful flashing would then be the solution but it is so not. You then quickly get flare in the lens or dust that is prominently exposed and thus distorts the image.
So the other day I took a course. attended with Ron Offermans on close focus – wide angle photography. So there you actually expose only the foreground and make use of the natural light present to make the background visible.
I have collected some nice pictures from the past 2 years. Take a cozy look?
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